Monday, October 10, 2011

Worried About Braces?

You may have good reason to be worried! More than 50% of children have one or more problems with their teeth or jaws. Typical trouble includes front teeth that protrude because of thumb-sucking or prolonged bottle use, spaces between teeth, badly aligned bites, clicking jaws, and crowded or missing teeth. However, even though not all problems can be prevented, they can all be corrected. The key is early orthodontic care. Between the ages of five and ten, permanent teeth begin to appear, and bones and muscles develop rapidly. This is when we can best influence growth to create the best bite. We can actually prevent some problems from ever developing. That’s why it’s important to bring your child in for a first dental evaluation early. We can do a thorough check.

In recent years, the dental profession has realized that many bite problems can be recognized and treated earlier than was once thought...proving that expensive and lengthy orthodontic treatment in teen years can be avoided by taking early preventive steps when the child is young. The idea is to create an ideal setting for adult teeth to grow into. At North Shore Smiles, we believe in a health centered approach by helping to guide the growth of your child’s jaws. I have completed extensive research and study on craniofacial growth and development. Our staff is committed to the prevention and treatment of malocclusions, or “bad bites” through non-intrusive retraining of the oral musculature and elimination of bad oral habits. We welcome you to call our office at 781-592-9779 to arrange a free consultation or get a second opinion for your child’s orthodontic needs.